Eco-Friendly Window Blinds: Is Wood The Best Option?

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Hello! My name is Norma. I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to my blog. Having a home which you enjoy living in is very important. After all, you spend a lot of your life at home. When I retired, I decided I was going to make my home into a palace. I called in a team of building and garden contractors and planned out the changes I would like to make. I am so pleased with the result of the work, I decided I would start this blog so I could continue to explore my new found passion.


Eco-Friendly Window Blinds: Is Wood The Best Option?

24 June 2022
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Fitting high-quality interior blinds to your windows is one of the most cost-effective ways to make your home more eco-friendly. Blinds and other window coverings can block out sunlight and UV rays that raise temperatures in your home, so you won't have to rely so heavily on energy-hungry air conditioning systems during periods of hot weather.

However, installing blinds to make your home greener won't do much good if the blinds are made from non-sustainable, environmentally damaging materials. For this reason, many environmentally conscious homeowners choose timber blinds for their homes, but are wooden blinds the most eco-friendly option?

Are Wooden Window Blinds Environmentally Friendly?  

Wooden interior blinds are one of the most eco-friendly window-covering options available and are certainly greener than plastic blinds or curtains made from synthetic fabrics. They are also more ecologically sound than most aluminium or steel blinds -- while metal blinds can be made from recycled materials, manufacturing them uses up a lot of energy and carbon, so they tend to have high embodied energy values.

However, cheap wooden blinds ordered from international resellers or other less-than-reputable dealers may not be as eco-friendly as they should be. These blinds are often made from timber taken from non-renewable sources, such as rainforests. This is especially likely if you choose blinds made from tropical hardwoods, like teak or mahogany. Low-quality timber blinds may also contain toxic preservative chemicals.

For your new wooden blinds to be truly green, they should be sourced from a reputable seller of high-quality timber blinds. These sellers will know exactly where the wood used to make their blinds come from, and whether it was taken from sustainable sources.

To play it safe, choose blinds made from wood certified as sustainable by the Forest Stewardship Council. This international body regulates tree plantations and other sustainable timber sources, so FSC-certified timber blinds will be a fine addition to any eco-friendly home.

Are There Eco-Friendly Alternatives To Wooden Blinds?

If you are looking for a reliably eco-friendly alternative to wooden blinds, a fabric made from sustainable cotton or linen is ideal. These blinds have low embodied energy values and are usually fully recyclable. They are also available in a wide variety of styles, from roller to Roman, so you will be able to find the right blinds to complement your home's design.

However, because fabric blinds are thinner than timber blinds, they may not provide as much heat insulation as thick timber blinds. If you choose fabric blinds, consider cellular blinds. These unique, three-dimensional blinds contain large air pockets, which act as very effective heat insulators. They will help keep your rooms cool and comfortable throughout the year.