How to Choose the Right Mesh for Screens

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Norma's Top Home Improvement Tips

Hello! My name is Norma. I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to my blog. Having a home which you enjoy living in is very important. After all, you spend a lot of your life at home. When I retired, I decided I was going to make my home into a palace. I called in a team of building and garden contractors and planned out the changes I would like to make. I am so pleased with the result of the work, I decided I would start this blog so I could continue to explore my new found passion.


How to Choose the Right Mesh for Screens

15 August 2018
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

When buying new screens for your home's windows or entryway doors from a mesh supplier, you may be surprised to discover that there is a wide variety of mesh from which to choose. Finding the right mesh for your home's windows and doors is important, as mesh that is too big may let in insects and other creepy crawlers, while mesh that is too small may get in the way of air circulation and sunlight. Different mesh types will also offer varying degrees of security for your home. To ensure you choose the best mesh for window and door screens, note a few tips to keep in mind.

Mesh count

The mesh count of any screen refers to how many openings there are in the mesh itself. The higher the count, the smaller each pinpoint or opening in the mesh.

If you live in an area with lots of bugs, sand or silt in the air, or high levels of heat and humidity that you want to keep out of the house, choose a high mesh count. A higher count means mesh holes or openings will be smaller and will block more grit and bugs.

You'll also want a high mesh count if you want the screen to be very visible. More pinpoints or holes means more material used to create that mesh or weave, so the metal of the screen will be more visible. Choosing a high mesh count for fewer pinpoints is good to consider if you want a colourful door on your home's entryway, but note that this higher count can make dark screens look almost black, which may not be your preference.


Steel is very durable and difficult to cut through, so it's a good mesh material if you live in a high-crime area or if you often keep inside doors and windows open while at home, relying on the screens to keep out intruders. Steel is also typically powder coated or plated to keep it protected from rust and other forms of corrosion, but this coating can sometimes glob into corners and pockets of the mesh, creating a messy look.

Aluminium is naturally resistant to rust and much lighter than steel, so aluminium screens may be easier for someone to remove every season. At the same time, aluminium screens may be more prone to dents, dings and other such damage, from errant toys, strong hail and the like.