Essential Considerations When Buying a Retractable Awning

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Hello! My name is Norma. I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to my blog. Having a home which you enjoy living in is very important. After all, you spend a lot of your life at home. When I retired, I decided I was going to make my home into a palace. I called in a team of building and garden contractors and planned out the changes I would like to make. I am so pleased with the result of the work, I decided I would start this blog so I could continue to explore my new found passion.


Essential Considerations When Buying a Retractable Awning

15 December 2021
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Retractable awnings are the perfect addition to any home with an outdoor space such as a patio, deck, or balcony. Notably, a retractable awning provides shade whenever you need one. Besides, the structures are hassle-free since you do not have to roll them in or out manually. Automation is perfect if you want to increase the value of your home down the road. That said, purchasing a retractable awning requires a careful approach to get value for money. This article highlights essential considerations when buying a retractable awning.  

Awning Cassette Size

One common characteristic of retractable awnings is their cassette. The cassette houses the fabric that retracts when an awning is not in use. Notably, retractable awnings come with varying cassette designs. For instance, some awnings have a large cassette that takes up more space during installation. Therefore, you need enough space in your outdoor space to accommodate such an awning. On the other hand, some awnings have sleek and minimalistic cassettes with a small footprint; hence, they are ideal for patios or decks with limited space. Besides, their elegant design does not interfere with deck design.   

Motor Speed

Although manually operated awnings are still around, the motorised models are more popular. For instance, they are convenient since you can control them from anywhere in your house using a remote control. Therefore, you should inquire about the motor speed before purchasing a retractable awning. The reason is that some awnings retract slowly, which can be frustrating since you must wait a couple of minutes before it opens fully. Besides, an awning with a slow motor forces you to wait for it to retract entirely because the canopy might stop midway due to debris accumulation, and you may not notice it until the following morning. Ideally, you should choose an awning that opens and retracts relatively fast since you do not have to wait longer than necessary. In addition, high-speed motors are designed to withstand the rigours of fast operation; hence, you do not have to worry about regular breakdowns.

Fabric Durability

The fabric on a retractable awning constantly rolls in and straightens out of the cassette daily. The constant folding can take a toll on the material; therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the fabric can withstand such treatment. Retractable awnings can be made from polyester, cotton, or canvas. However, awnings made from canvas are best due to their outstanding durability and weather-resistant properties. Most importantly, it means they can withstand hundreds of retraction cycles without showing signs of deterioration.